Mide Bandı Ameliyatı

Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric Band Surgery: An Adjustable and Reversible Obesity Treatment

Gastric band surgery is an effective and reversible surgical method in the fight against obesity. This surgery consists of a laparoscopically placed adjustable silicone band (Realize Band™ or LAP-BAND® system) that is applied to the stomach. This band, which is placed on the upper part of the stomach, restricts food intake, allowing the patient to consume less food and therefore weight loss.

How is Gastric Band Surgery Performed?

This procedure is performed laparoscopically, that is, with closed surgical technique. The adjustable silicone band is placed on the upper part of the stomach and divides the stomach into two separate compartments. A small upper stomach compartment is connected to the lower stomach through a narrow opening. The working principles of this system are as follows:

  • Food intake is limited: The band placed in the stomach reduces the stomach capacity and limits food intake.
  • Provides a Feeling of Satiety: The rapid filling of the small stomach compartment allows the patient to reach the feeling of satiety early.
  • No Intervention to the Digestive System: No part of the digestive system is cut or removed, making the method safer.
  • Adjustable Band: The band can be adjusted as needed through a port placed just under the skin of the abdomen. These adjustments are optimized according to the patient’s weight loss and nutritional needs.

Advantages of Gastric Band Surgery

  • Reversible and Adjustable: Unlike other bariatric surgeries, this procedure is not irreversible and the band tightness can be adjusted according to the patient’s needs.
  • The Digestive Process Remains Natural: Since there is no cutting or extraction process in the digestive system, food moves along its natural route.
  • Long-Term Weight Control: The weight loss achieved after surgery can be maintained with regular doctor visits and lifestyle changes.
  • Low Surgical Risk: Since it is performed laparoscopically, the recovery time is fast and the risk of complications is low.

Weight Loss and Lifestyle Changes

After gastric band surgery, patients lose an average of 60% of their excess weight within 5 years. However, the continuation and success rate of this weight loss depends on the patient’s adaptation to lifestyle changes. The postoperative process includes the following:

  • Diet and Exercise: A balanced diet and regular exercise accelerate and sustain weight loss.
  • Band Adjustments: During the first year, it is important for patients to visit the doctor at least once a month for band adjustments.
  • Long-Term Follow-up: The bariatric surgeon closely monitors the patient’s progress for at least 5 years. This follow-up process plays a critical role in the success of the surgery.

Gastric band surgery is an ideal method for individuals who are looking for a surgical solution in the fight against obesity but do not want permanent intervention in the digestive system. While this surgery is an effective tool to support weight loss, it requires a long-term lifestyle change for the patient.

With Prof. Dr. Kamil Gülpınar’s expertise in bariatric surgery, you can step into a healthy life with regular follow-up and support in your postoperative process.

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