Endoskopik Mide İçi Balon

Endoscopic Gastric Balloon

Endoscopic Gastric Balloon: Non-Surgical Weight Loss Method

Endoscopic intragastric ballooning is an effective and safe weight loss method for the treatment of obesity that does not require surgical intervention. This procedure partially fills the stomach, limiting food intake and allowing individuals to experience a feeling of fullness with less food. Patients often report that the feeling of fullness provided by the gastric balloon is permanent and continuous.

What is an Endoscopic Gastric Balloon?

A gastric balloon is made of soft silicone filled with sterile saline, which is inserted endoscopically into the stomach. This balloon aims to reduce the volume of the stomach, allowing individuals to reach a feeling of satiety with less food. Thanks to its soft structure, it is generally easily tolerated and supports weight loss without reducing the quality of life of patients.

How is it applied?

No Surgery Required: Endoscopic gastric ballooning is a procedure that does not require any surgical intervention. The procedure is performed under “day surgery” conditions, i.e. without hospitalization.

Quick and Easy Procedure: The balloon is inserted into the stomach via endoscopy and the procedure is usually completed within 20-30 minutes.

Filling: The inserted balloon is filled with sterile saline and creates volume in the stomach. In this way, it provides a mechanical feeling of satiety.

Who is it suitable for?

The endoscopic gastric balloon is suitable for individuals who cannot achieve adequate weight loss with diet and exercise or who want to avoid surgical treatment. It is also an effective option for patients who want to manage obesity-related health problems.

Advantages of Gastric Balloon

Non-Surgical: Since it does not involve surgical intervention, the risks are low and the recovery time is fast.

Provides a Feeling of Satiety: After the balloon is placed in the stomach, it creates a feeling of satiety with less food by limiting food intake.

A Temporary Solution: The gastric balloon usually stays in the stomach for 6 months and is then removed.

Easy Tolerance: Thanks to its soft silicone structure, it is usually easily tolerated by patients.

How Long Does the Gastric Balloon Stay in the Stomach?

The endoscopic gastric balloon is usually left in the stomach for 6 months. During this time, patients have the opportunity to develop healthy eating habits and achieve their weight loss goals. After 6 months, the balloon is easily removed endoscopically.

Endoscopic intragastric balloon is a modern and effective method that supports weight loss without requiring a surgical procedure. This procedure, which is both safe for health and improves quality of life, can be applied in a short time and carries minimal risk. You can contact our clinic to get detailed information about this procedure performed under the expertise of Prof. Dr. Kamil Gülpınar and to find out if it is suitable for you.

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